Our Approach
The Emerge Way of counseling is the integration of Biblical truth with proven psychological insights to help people find rest and live free as Christ intended.
The life influences we all face, both good and bad, act upon our minds and are filtered through our personal histories. These mental constructs impact our interpretations of present events and result in challenging life patterns. Therapeutic interventions are aimed at healing the story we tell ourselves about these past experiences and transforming our view into the most redemptive interpretation possible. This results in a person experiencing the “life that is really life” (1 Tim. 6:19).
The effect of the Emerge Way is a practical sanctification [the process of becoming who God originally created me to be; to become more like Christ] through the renewing of our mind by God’s Spirit. In this transformational model, sin is not seen simply as a behavior, but as something that impacts the mind to think in disruptive ways which undermine God’s image in humanity and on the Earth. Jesus Christ is our Exemplar in the journey of living a life of love and freedom in word and in deed.
Our Partners
Strategic partnerships are a vital part of the work of Emerge. We value not only the clients and work we are able to do in sessions at Emerge locations, but also the many ways our team members serve together with other organizations and ministries in our community and across the nation. Some of our partnerships are as new as this year and others have existed for dozens of years. Some of these include:

Our Board
The Board of Directors is comprised of ministry, nonprofit, and business leaders, both locally and nationally, who are dedicated to the mission of Emerge Counseling Ministries. Their voice, leadership, and experience provides invaluable oversight and vision for the ongoing development of Emerge.
Rev. Wayne Blackburn
Kerry Halliwell
Leigh Gerstenberger
Jim Lupica
Becca Ketterling
Rev. Dan McBride
Daniel McNaughton, PhD
Rev. Ben McLennan
Al Peterson
Rev. Kevin Stone
Rev. John Wootton
Anne Beiler
Board Member Emeritus
Dr. Don Lichi
Board Member Emeritus